"The Untouchables," Tommy Ridgley's well-known band was organized in 1957. The Untouchables were a tight R&B band whose reading and performing abilities were unmatched by any other band in the area.
The Untouchables music behind the vocals of Tommy Ridgley were the perfect combination which brought much attention and fame to this outstanding group of musicians.
Tommy Ridgley's career in music has brought numerous musicians into his life. The Untouchables have changed members over the years. The original band changed long ago, for many different reasons. The past years Tommy Ridgley has managed to maintain a consistent band with committed members who have spanned through several generations.
Tommy Ridgley & The Untouchables w/friends at French Quarter Fest
THE UNTOUCHABLES: Reuben Frances - Tenor Sax & Vocals Edward Gabriel - Guitar David Hutchison Jr. - Drums David Hutchison Sr. - Percussion, Drums & Vocals Sam Henry - Keyboards Added members who are always available to perform with the group are Charlie Miller, Craig Klein, Jimmy Messa, Rockin' Jake & Jim Markway. The "Original Untouchables" included : Larry Marioneaux - tenor & alto sax |
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